Realdolmen Education

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Nos cours à l'honneur

Java XML Processing

Course on the XML processing APIs available in Java, such as SAX, DOM, StAX, TrAX and JAXB. Also covers JDOM to offer an alternative....

Office 365 Teams

MS Office 365 Teams est une plateforme collaborative basée sur le chat, disponible pour tous les abonnés Office 365, vous permettant de vraiment collaborer et communiquer avec vos collègues, vos partenaires ou même vos clients....

Start to program with MS Office

VBA signifie Visual Basic for Applications et est la langue de programmation des applications de la suite MS Office. Chaque application a son propre VBA mais, dans cette langue orientée objet, de nombreux éléments sont communs à toutes les applicatio...

Business Process Modelling and Notation (BPMN) Advanced 2.0

In today’s world governance, risk and compliance is getting more and more important. Therefore a clear set of business process rules has to be established. Business Process Modelling and Notation (BPMN) 2.0 provides a set of elements and toolsin...

Microsoft Power Apps

This course gives IT Professionals a good overview on how to implement the MS PowerApps into their daily Digital Transformation projects. Blending it and combining it with other technologies such as MS Power Automate (Cfr. MS Flow), Common Data...

Web Applications with Node.js

Course about building server-side JavaScript applications with Node.js and Express JS...

Getting more from JIRA software

This course teaches the basics of using JIRA Software to facilitate and manage Agile software development projects. It covers the main tasks performed by the product owner, the scrum master, and the development team. Topics include an overview of the...

Maven 3

Learn how to use the popular Maven build tool for Java....

Jira Essentials with Agile Mindset

This course applies to Cloud and Server/Data Center customers. This full-day hands-on course provides a solid foundation for developing an agile mindset. It introduces agile principles and methodologies, and uses Atlassian Jira as a tool....

Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals (PL-900T00-A)

La description peut être consulté via le lien externe (voir le cours détaillé).

Building Enterprise Applications with JEE 7

Course of 5 days on the full JEE7 specification. Due to the many subjects not all topics can be covered. Content covered will be agreed upon with the students. All students do course material for all listed topics....

Access Module 3 - Designing Forms and Reports

La portée de ce cours est limitée aux objets Report et Form....